Thursday, August 30, 2007

Day 2 Narrations

Mom - Hercules & Brown Fairy Book

Cayla - Mountains (?)

Anna - Hercules/Brown Fairy Book/Among the Pond People

Emma - Hercules/Brown Fairy Book/Among the Pond People

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Nature Study

Day 1 Narrations

Anna - Hercules and Among the Pond People
Cayla - Cats (First Discovery Book)

Mom - Among the Pond People

Emma - Hercules and Among the Pond People

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Our First Three Books

Our first three choices.

1. History - Hercules by Bernard Evslin (chosen by Emma - age 7)
2. Science - Among the Pond People by Clara D. Pierson (chosen by me)
3. Literature - The Brown Fairy Book edited by Andrew Lang (chosen by Anna - age 9)

Yearly Experiment - Socratic Discussion

This year we are going to try and implement my version of Socratic learning. Each evening the children and I will read from three books (history, science, and literature.) One book will be selected by myself, one by my 9 year old daughter and one by my 7 year old daughter. We will also read two picture books, one chosen by each of my toddlers.

Rules for the new experiment:

1. The history book must match what we are studying this year - ancients.
2. The science book must match what we are studying this year - biology.
3. The literature book has no requirements.
4. All books must be approved by me.
5. We will read one chapter or section per book with the option of a second chapter or section.
6. All chapters will be discussed immediately following the reading.
7. Respect for those holding opposing viewpoints must be shown at all times.
8. The following morning we will spend approximately one hour drawing or writing about the previous day's readings.
9. There are no requirements as to what should be written or drawn.

Following the hour of writing, our regular school schedule will resume.

Goals of this experiment:

To determine whether Socratic discussion helps my children to retain information.
To determine whether my children enjoy learning more in this type environment.
To further implement this style of learning should it prove to be successful.